Sunday, June 27, 2010

My Superman Complex - Why I lead a double life

When people ask me who my favorite super hero is I tell them Superman. When when they ask me why, I say because he saves people. He is an alien from another planet who was sent to Earth as a baby by his birth parents as his home planet Krypton was was being destroyed. His parents knew that he would be considered a "god among men" when he arrived to Earth with powers and abilities no regular man would have, yet they sent him to be raised by humans who would raise him as their own child and teach him morals as he grew older. His birth parents wanted him to use his powers to prevent the destruction of Earth at the hands of man. They didn't want the fate of Krypton (destruction caused by war) to be the fate of Earth. As Clark Kent, Superman's secret identity, he is a mild mannered news reporter for the Daily Planet in Metropolis. Whenever trouble or danger is near, he disposes his disguise to reveal Superman to the world and stop crime and other disasters wherever they may be. Superman uses the Daily Planet as a way of knowing what is going on in the world.

I am a journalism major in school. I want to know what is going on in the world so that I may be able to use my talents to help make a difference in this world wherever or however I can. I want to rescue those in danger. That's why I am SoloStar. That's why I do what I do. I want to use my talents (music and the gift of rhyme) to speak to people. Whether they take my advice or not is up to them, but I won't stop saying what I have to say until I see a drastic change in society. I have what I like to call a "Superman Complex." Journalist by day, motivational lyricist (because I am not just a rapper) by night.


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